Blind Contour Student Gallery




Follow along as Shannon Steven, the creator of Wonder Wander, leads you through lessons focused on learning blind contour methods. Blind contour drawings are an effective centering practice, a great way to build drawing skills and warm up for any art making experience.

Meet Your Teacher

Shannon Steven is an art teacher with a master’s degree in K-12 Art Education. She has worked in the classroom predominantly with elementary aged students but has also worked with adults throughout her career. She has an insatiable curiosity and loves to learn and try new art techniques. She also enjoys engaging her students in discussions about art and how they see the world. She believes that artmaking is a natural human drive that everyone should have access to. Through technique building, mindfulness and art activities, engaging play and adventure she helps her students experience the joy and benefits that visual art can provide. She is an approachable and enthusiastic teacher who values wonder and curiosity and enjoys the way the visual arts makes these values accessible to everyone!

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